Travel, tourism, and SDGs: the transformative power of impact travel
TravaPowa - Etikbnb

Tuesday, May 16, 2023 h. 15:00-18:00
Il progetto europeo TravaPowa organizza una tavola rotonda internazionale incentrata sul tema del viaggio e il suo potenziale trasformativo per il raggiungimento degli Obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile.
Quali valori i viaggiatori portano con sé e come renderli una forza per il cambiamento? Quali paradigmi e soluzioni stanno nascendo soprattutto dopo lo shock della pandemia?
Often tourism is pointed-out as a lever to achieve the UN’s 2030 Agenda and attain the Sustainable Development Goals. Until the Covid pandemic, tourism was set at the crossroads of most development issues and impacts. Since then, many innovative approaches have flourished and now they are starting to reap their fruits.
The project TravaPowa monitors the future of travel by looking at the significant or promising initiatives that are moving beyond "tourism", and contribute to the making of new paradigms so that today’s and tomorrow’s travellers become the catalysts of SDGs as a whole.
To tackle these issues and to have a close look at what impact we can have travelling differently, TravaPowa organises a debate based on two sessions:
Session 1 (startin 3pm) is dedicated to the life-changing power of impact travel. It aims to describe the attractors that are reshaping travel.
- Session 2 (starting 4.30pm) looks at a few emerging good practices leading the way to impactful travelling.
Free registration here.
Evento principalmente in inglese. Possibilità di tradurre domande del pubblico.
The roundtable will be held mainly in English.
Live streaming will be available on social media (Facebook, LinkedIn).
The European project TravaPowa promoted by the Paris-based NGO Etikbnb scouts analyses and discusses alternative ways of travelling, always having positive and tangible impact as guiding star.
Do you run an impactful travel project? To propose yourself as a speaker email specifying: name-surname; Name of organisation; topic of interest and relevant experience about it; relevance to SDGs.